For folks who never heard of the term carbon footprint, here is a simple definition:
A 'carbon footprint' is a measure of how much harm we cause to the environment in our everyday lives.
More info from wikipedia, click here
small discussion from BBC on carbon footprint.
Tips you can implement to reduce your carbon foot print, of course these are nothing new, every one knows it but no one follows it :-)
- At least commute a day in a week by public transport.
- Car pooling (Share your vehicle with your friends or colleagues).
- Reduce the usage of tissues, paper cups etc.. ( you may say that paper can be recycled.. still recycling requires some amount of energy and it can be recycled only 5-7 times).
- Switching off your mobile, laptop charging once it gets fully recharged
- Walk a mile to finish up near by jobs.. it's good for health and saves fuel.
- Change four light bulbs to CFLs at my home.
- Spread a word or educate your family/friends about the importance of renewable products and urge people to follow them.
- Save paper and printing material by subscribing your Mobile bills, Bank/Credit card statements etc.. through email.
- Save the rain water.
- Plant A Tree, a single tree can absorb more than one ton of CO2 over its lifetime.
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